Thursday, December 7, 2023

How to Maintain an Active Lifestyle after Knee Replacement Surgery?

Knee replacement surgery is a transformative procedure that can significantly improve your quality of life. However, it's essential to take a gradual and mindful approach to returning to an active lifestyle.

Maintaining an active lifestyle after knee replacement surgery is a priority for many patients. Start by following your surgeon's and physical therapist's recommendations for post-operative exercises. These exercises are designed to strengthen your knee and improve its range of motion.

As you progress, consider incorporating low-impact activities like swimming, stationary biking, and walking into your routine. Avoid high-impact activities that could put excessive strain on your knee joint.

Staying committed to physical therapy and regular check-ups with your healthcare team is crucial for monitoring your progress and addressing any concerns. With patience and dedication, you can enjoy an active and pain-free lifestyle after knee replacement surgery.

Consult Dr. Biren Nadkarni to know more about faster recovery.

For Appointment, contact us at: +91-8587878568, +91-8368352606 or E-mail us at:


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Friday, December 1, 2023

Different Types of Knee Replacements and How they work

Understanding the different types of knee replacements and how they work is crucial when considering this procedure.

Knee replacement surgery can involve different approaches, including partial knee replacement and total knee replacement.

Partial knee replacement, also known as unicompartmental knee arthroplasty, replaces only the damaged portion of the knee joint. This option is suitable for individuals with isolated knee joint damage, preserving healthy parts of the knee.

Total knee replacement, on the other hand, involves replacing the entire knee joint with an artificial implant. This is the most common type of knee replacement surgery and is recommended for individuals with extensive joint damage.

The artificial joint components are typically made of metal and plastic, designed to mimic the natural function of the knee. These components allow for smooth movement and improved joint function, reducing pain and enhancing mobility.

Consult Dr. Biren Nadkarni, senior orthopedic consultant and surgeon, to determine the most appropriate type of knee replacement for your specific condition.

Understanding the options and their benefits is essential for making an informed decision about your treatment.

For Appointment, contact us at: +91-8587878568, +91-8368352606 or E-mail us at:


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Saturday, November 4, 2023

Risks and Benefits of Knee Replacment Surgery

When considering knee replacement surgery, it's important to understand both the potential risks and the significant benefits. Dr. Biren Nadkarni, our experienced orthopedic consultant, provides a balanced perspective on what to expect.

While knee replacement surgery is generally safe, there are inherent risks associated with any surgical procedure. Common risks include infection, blood clots, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. However, these risks are relatively low and can be mitigated through proper surgical techniques and post-operative care.

On the flip side, the benefits of knee replacement surgery often outweigh these risks. For individuals suffering from chronic knee pain and limited mobility, this procedure can offer substantial relief. Improved joint function, reduced pain, and a better quality of life are common outcomes of knee replacement.

Before making a decision, consult with Dr. Biren Nadkarni to thoroughly evaluate your specific situation and weigh the risks and benefits together. A personalized approach to care ensures the best possible results.

For Appointment, contact us at: +91-8587878568, +91-8368352606 or E-mail us at:


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Friday, October 27, 2023

Rehabilitation Exrecises for Knee Replacement Surgery


Rehabilitation exercises are a crucial component of the recovery process after knee replacement surgery. Following knee replacement surgery, your mobility and joint function may be compromised. Physical therapy is essential for regaining strength, flexibility, and overall function in the affected knee.

Your physical therapist will create a personalized exercise plan tailored to your specific needs and capabilities. These exercises will focus on gradually increasing the range of motion, strengthening the muscles around the knee, and improving overall balance.

Expect to engage in both in-clinic and at-home exercises. Consistency is key, so be diligent about following your therapist's recommendations. With time and effort, you can look forward to significant improvements in your knee's function and mobility.

Consult Dr. Biren Nadkarni, Senior Orthopedic Consultant and Surgeon, to learn more about rehabilitation exercises after Knee Replacement Surgery.

For Appointment, contact us at: +91-8587878568, +91-8368352606 or E-mail us at:


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Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Happy Dussehra


Let's rid our lives of all negativity to make today even better. We wish you a very Happy Dussehra !!!

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#BestOrthopedicSurgeonDelhi #DrBirenNadkarni

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Minimizing Pain & Discomfort After Knee Replacement Surgery


Minimizing post-surgery pain and discomfort is a top priority for patients and their medical teams. Our expert orthopedic consultant, Dr. Biren Nadkarni shares such strategies for managing discomfort effectively.

Your surgeon will prescribe pain medications to help you stay comfortable during the initial stages of recovery. It's crucial to follow the recommended dosage and schedule.
In addition to medication, physical therapy plays a significant role in reducing pain and improving mobility. Your therapist will guide you through exercises designed to strengthen the knee and enhance flexibility.

Cold therapy in the form of ice packs can also provide relief from swelling and discomfort. Applying ice as directed by your medical team can contribute to a smoother recovery process.

Lastly, maintaining patience and dedication throughout your recovery journey is key. Remember that progress may be gradual, but with the proper support and adherence to your personalized recovery plan, you can expect to regain mobility and minimize discomfort effectively.

Consult Dr. Biren Nadkarni, Senior Orthopedic Consultant and Surgeon, to know more about pain management after Knee Replacement Surgery.

For Appointment, contact us at: +91-8587878568, +91-8368352606 or E-mail us at:


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Thursday, October 5, 2023

Preparing for Knee Replacement Surgery, What you need to Know


Preparing for knee replacement surgery involves several crucial steps. Start by discussing your medical history, current medications, and lifestyle with your surgeon such as Dr. Biren Nadkarni, senior orthopedic consultant and surgeon. This information helps your medical team tailor the surgery and recovery plan to your specific needs.

At home, consider making necessary adjustments to accommodate your post-surgery needs. This may include rearranging furniture, installing handrails, and creating a comfortable and safe recovery environment.

Follow your surgeon's pre-surgery guidelines carefully, which may include dietary restrictions and discontinuing certain medications. Being well-prepared both mentally and physically is essential for a positive outcome.

Consult Dr. Biren Nadkarni, Senior Orthopedic Consultant and Surgeon, to learn more about Knee Replacement Surgery. He will be available in person at his clinic - Joint & Bone Solutions at Hauz Khas, New Delhi, and can be reached at Sitaram Bhartia Institute and Holy Family Hospital.

For Appointment, contact us at: +91-8587878568, +91-8368352606 or E-mail us at:


#bestkneereplacementsurgeoninDelhi #bestorthopedicindelhi #drbirennadkarni #jointreplacementsurgeon #kneepain #arthroscopy #arthroscopicsurgeon #bestarthroscopicsurgeonindelhi

Thursday, September 21, 2023

How to Find the Right Knee Replacement Surgeon?


Selecting the right surgeon for your knee replacement is a critical decision that can significantly impact your surgical experience and recovery. Dr. Biren Nadkarni, our experienced Orthopedic consultant and surgeon, offers some guidance on how to make this important choice.

First and foremost, research the credentials and experience of potential surgeons. Look for specialists who have a track record of successful knee replacement surgeries. Patient reviews and testimonials can also provide valuable insights into a surgeon's reputation.

Additionally, don't hesitate to ask for referrals from your primary care physician or friends and family who have undergone similar procedures. Seeking a second opinion is a prudent step to ensure you're making an informed choice.

Perhaps most importantly, establish open and honest communication with your chosen surgeon. Trust in their expertise and feel comfortable discussing your concerns and expectations. A strong patient-surgeon relationship is a key to a smoother recovery process.

Consult Dr. Biren Nadkarni, Senior Orthopedic Consultant and Surgeon, to know more about Knee Replacement Surgery. He will be available in person at his clinic - Joint & Bone Solutions at Hauz Khas, New Delhi and can be reached at Sitaram Bhartia Institute and Holy Family Hospital.

For Appointment, contact us at: +91-8587878568, +91-8368352606 or E-mail us at:


#bestkneereplacementsurgeoninDelhi #bestorthopedicindelhi #drbirennadkarni #jointreplacementsurgeon #kneepain #arthroscopy #arthroscopicsurgeon #bestarthroscopicsurgeonindelhi

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Who Is A Good Candidate For Knee Replacement Surgery?


Are you wondering if knee replacement surgery is the right choice for you? Dr. Biren Nadkarni, our senior orthopedic consultant and surgeon, advises that this procedure is typically recommended for individuals who suffer from severe knee pain that significantly impairs their quality of life and doesn't respond to less invasive treatments.

It's important to consider various factors when determining if you're a suitable candidate. Age, overall health, and the extent of joint damage all play a role. The decision should be made in consultation with a qualified orthopedic specialist who can assess your unique situation and provide personalized recommendations. If you find yourself struggling with daily activities due to knee pain, it may be time to seek expert advice.

Consult Dr. Biren Nadkarni, Senior Orthopedic Consultant and Surgeon. He will be available in person at his clinic - Joint & Bone Solutions at Hauz Khas, New Delhi. He can also be reached at Sitaram Bhartia Institute and Holy Family Hospital.

For Appointment, contact us at: +91-8587878568, +91-8368352606 or E-mail us at:


#bestkneereplacementsurgeoninDelhi #bestorthopedicindelhi #drbirennadkarni #jointreplacementsurgeon #kneepain #arthroscopy #arthroscopicsurgeon #bestarthroscopicsurgeonindelhi

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Knee Pain - Understanding The Causes and Treatment Options


Knee pain can arise from various factors, affecting people of all ages. Common causes include injuries, overuse, arthritis, and underlying conditions. Understanding the root cause is key to effective treatment.

Causes: Your knees may ache due to injuries like ligament tears or conditions like arthritis. Age, lifestyle, and sports can play an important role in the treatment of such knee pain.

Treatment: R.I.C.E method - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation and sometimes gentle exercises can soothe minor pain. Physical therapy strengthens knee muscles. However, persistent pain might need medications, injections, or even surgery as a last resort.

Remember, every knee is unique. Don't let pain keep you down - consult Dr. Biren Nadkarni, Senior Orthopedic Consultant and Surgeon, for personalized solutions. Get back on your feet and embrace life fully!

Dr. Biren Nadkarni will be available in person at his clinic - Joint & Bone Solutions in Hauz Khas, New Delhi, and can be reached at Sitaram Bhartia Institute and Holy Family Hospital.

For Appointment, contact us at: +91-8587878568, +91-8368352606 or E-mail us at:


#bestkneereplacementsurgeoninDelhi #bestorthopedicindelhi #drbirennadkarni #jointreplacementsurgeon #kneepain #arthroscopy #arthroscopicsurgeon #bestarthroscopicsurgeonindelhi

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Why Patients are going after Minimal Invasive Surgery?


Minimally Invasive Knee Surgery has become increasingly popular in recent years, and ongoing advancements in surgical techniques and technology continue to improve its effectiveness.
• Smaller Incisions: Smaller incisions mean fewer traumas to surrounding tissues, reduced blood loss, and potentially less post-operative pain. Quadriceps Sparing techniques are used in minimally invasive knee replacement to avoid trauma to the quadriceps tendon and muscles in the front of the thigh
• Faster Recovery: Due to reduced tissue damage, patients may experience quicker rehabilitation and return to daily activities.
• Reduced Scarring: The smaller incisions result in less noticeable scars, which can be cosmetically appealing to patients.
• Lower Infection Risk: With smaller wounds, the risk of surgical site infections may be decreased.

Consult Dr. Biren Nadkarni, Senior Orthopedic Consultant and Surgeon, to know more about minimally invasive surgery. He will be available in person at his clinic - Joint & Bone Solutions at Hauz Khas, New Delhi, and can be reached at Sitaram Bhartia Institute and Holy Family Hospital.

For Appointment, contact us at: +91-8587878568, +91-8368352606 or E-mail us at:


#bestkneereplacementsurgeoninDelhi #bestorthopedicindelhi #drbirennadkarni #jointreplacementsurgeon #kneepain #minimallyinvasivesurgery  #arthroscopy #arthroscopicsurgeon #bestarthroscopicsurgeonindelhi

Thursday, July 20, 2023

What is Chondroplasty?


Chondroplasty is a surgical intervention designed to treat damaged or worn cartilage in a joint. The cartilage acts as a cushion, allowing smooth and painless movement. However, conditions like osteoarthritis or injury can lead to cartilage defects, causing discomfort and limited mobility.

During a chondroplasty, a skilled orthopedic surgeon such as Dr. Biren Nadkarni carefully trims or smoothes the damaged cartilage surfaces, aiming to improve joint function, alleviate pain, and potentially slow down further degeneration. The procedure can be performed using various techniques, including arthroscopy, where small incisions and specialized instruments are used.

Following the surgery, a tailored rehabilitation program is often recommended to optimize recovery and restore joint strength and mobility. It's crucial to adhere to the post-operative instructions provided by your healthcare provider.

If you've been diagnosed with knee cartilage damage, consult Dr. Biren Nadkarni, Senior Orthopedic Consultant & Surgeon. He will be available in person at his clinic - Joint & Bone Solutions at Hauz Khas, New Delhi. He can also be reached at Sitaram Bhartia Institute and Holy Family Hospital.

For Appointment, contact us at: +91-8587878568, +91-8368352606 or E-mail us at:


#bestkneereplacementsurgeoninDelhi #bestorthopedicindelhi #drbirennadkarni #jointreplacementsurgeon #kneepain #kneeinjury #arthroscopy #arthroscopicsurgeon #bestarthroscopicsurgeonindelhi

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Can I participate in sports or other physical activities after Subacromial Decompression Surgery?


Subacromial decompression surgery aims to alleviate shoulder pain and restore normal function by creating more space in the subacromial space, reducing impingement on tendons. While every individual's recovery is unique, many patients are able to gradually return to sports and physical activities after proper healing and rehabilitation.

Engaging in physical therapy and closely following your orthopedic surgeon's instructions will optimize your recovery and reduce the risk of re-injury. He will guide you on when it's safe to resume activities. Start with gentle exercises and gradually increasing intensity over time.

Consult Dr. Biren Nadkarni, Senior Orthopedic Consultant and Surgeon, to get the best advice on Subacromial decompression surgery. He will be available in person at his clinic - Joint & Bone Solutions at Hauz Khas, New Delhi. He can also be reached at Sitaram Bhartia Institute and Holy Family Hospital.

For Appointment, contact us at: +91-8587878568, +91-8368352606 or E-mail us at:


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